For male allies.

With a big h/t to my friend Rachel, who had some smart things to say on this subject tonight. (AKA… I needed to break out the crappy “paint” tool in Photoshop, and I needed to make these images). Thank you, male allies. I hope this helps us, all of us.

I’m so glad that we are talking about the Stanford Rape case, as I’m glad that we were talking about the Steubenville case, or any prominent case that demonstrates the vast problems in the way that we handle these crimes. I’m glad that we are paying attention to the injustices surrounding the rates of sexual assaults, the lack of education about what assault and consent entail, and the fact that rapes are widely under-reported and under-prosecuted. I’m glad that we are talking about it. So here’s a helpful thing to help frame the way that we talk about it, and a few more ideas to address what we do about it.

(For those of you reading on a phone, this is an image-heavy post, so a laptop or tablet might make for an easier time.) 

allies and rape

allies and rape 2


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